Volunteer & Job Opportunities

Volunteer & Job Opportunities

Volunteer & Job Opportunities within the BNC

The Basic Needs Center is fortunate to have a community of support involved in our mission. We have a dedicated team of student staff and volunteers championing students’ basic needs. To get involved in our efforts and join the BNC team, please explore the different available options below. 

Student Staff

During the middle of Spring semester, we recruit students to join our team for the following academic year. These positions are paid, and usually require the student to commit for the entire upcoming academic year.

For more information and updates regarding our student recruitment, follow us on social media or sign-up for our newsletter.

Volunteer at the Basic Needs Food Pantry

Please fill out our Food Pantry Volunteer form to express your interest and availability to volunteer.

If you need to fulfill a field-study requirement, or want to take on a new minor, students have had success meeting this requirement utilizing their hours volunteering with us at the Basic Needs Food Pantry. We encourage you to connect with your academic advisor to see if this is a viable option for you. In the past, we have worked with students from the Food Systems minor, Global Poverty and Practice minor, and Ethnic Studies major. 

College Corps

We are collaborating with College Corps as a site for their fellows to work with throughout the year. We encourage you to explore the College Corps program as another avenue to join our community.