Community Food Resources

Community Food Resources

There are times that the Basic Needs Center might have more limited capacity or folks' needs exceed what we can provide. The following community resources can offer additional support! 

On Campus Emergency Food Resources

The Bear Pantry

Emergency food relief for low-income student families living in University Village Apartments

Staff Food Pantries

With inflation and the cost of living in the Bay Area on the constant rise, so many UC Berkeley employees and their families have continued to struggle with food insecurity, so Berkeley Staff Assembly is now hosting monthly food pantries for staff members. 

Click the link to find more infomation about the monthly Staff Pantries, including dates and location. 

Off-Campus Emergency Food Resources

Food Now

To find local food pantries or hot meals near you, visit Food Now or call  the Emergency Food Helpline at 510-635-3663

Berkeley Food Network

Community food pantry located at 1925 9th St

Berkeley Food Pantry

Community food pantry located at 1600 Sacramento St

City Team Ministries-First Presbyterian Berkeley

Community food pantry located at 2407 Dana St, two blocks from campus. Open on the first and third Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm

Monthly Mobile Food Pantries

Mobile community food pantries at various locations across Berkeley and Albany

Emergency Meals

List of emergency and hot meals, as well as groceries in the Berkeley area