Frequently Asked Questions - Basic Needs Emergency Fund

Basic Needs Emergency Fund

What Does the Emergency Fund Cover?

The BNEF is intended to provide one-time, short-term emergency financial assistance in the following areas:

  1. Rental Assistance

  2. Food Assistance

  3. Housing Security Deposit*

  4. Other emergency and safety needs

*The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office will reach out to students who request support with a Housing Security Deposit to review their form submission and request additional information as part of an application to the

What Does the Emergency Fund Not Cover?

*If you are in need of funds immediately, you can access a Short-Term Emergency Loan through the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office

Rental Assistance

Financial assistance for up to one month of rent for students experiencing new/unexpected loss of income, safety needs (displacement, SVSH, other safety needs), or students unable to afford rent due to emergency circumstances.

Food Assistance

Food assistance for students with short-term food needs that exceed what the Basic Needs Food Pantry can provide. Eligible students must be in the process of applying to CalFresh, have experienced a lapse in or termination of their CalFresh benefits, be ineligible for CalFresh, or have experienced other extenuating circumstances.

Housing Security Deposit

Fully or partially cover a housing security deposit to secure off-campus or on campus housing. Housing security deposits must be paid within the last 60 days or are due within 60 days of moving in.

*Note: Applicants will be required to submit a copy of their signed lease agreement. While there is no obligation to repay the award, the award is self-generation and the more students return to the fund the more we are able to assist other students that find themselves in similar situations.

Other Emergency & Safety Needs

One-time financial assistance to address immediate needs brought up by an emergency situation with considerations for emergency, safety, or assistive needs. Our team may reach out for clarification on needs to determine relevant resources but we will not provide in-depth support.

Process to Access the Basic Needs Emergency Fund

Phase 1: Consider Your Resources

Read through the financial resources below to identify any that can meet your needs.

General Financial Resources

  • Talking to your academic department, especially for graduate students
  • The list of financial resources at the bottom of this page?

Phase 2: Submit the Basic Needs Assistance Form

Complete the Basic Needs Assistance Form and fill out the Financial Assessment Section. You can select to receive a copy of your submission.

Please note: There is no one-size-fits-all criteria for eligibility. Instead, our team will assess each student’s individual needs, available resources, and financial aid profile to determine whether funding is possible, necessary, and in alignment with the scope of the program.

Phase 3: Hear Back from the BNC

  1. During certain times of the year, like the start of Fall semester, our team will email you within 7-10 business days due to a high volume of requests. During less busy times, our staff will aim to email you within 5 business days

  2. You may be asked to schedule a virtual meeting or phone call to discuss your circumstances and relevant resources. Please monitor your email for this request.

  3. If you are provided with direct funds, they should be disbursed within 5-7 business days via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or sent via check depending on your refund preference already set up in Cal Central.

  4. Our team cannot guarantee the exact timeline for disbursement. If you need funds immediately, we recommend you take out a short-term emergency loan then use the funds from this program to pay it back.

  5. If you are not eligible for an award at this time, our team will share relevant resources that may mee your needs instead and/or support you in identifying other resources that better meet your needs. 

Please note: by completing the form, you are agreeing to share the information included in this application with the review team members including career and student staff for the purpose of coordination and administration of these funds. Graduate student submissions are always reviewed by career staff members, not students.

Other Emergency Funds

Berkeley International Office

  • Financial aid and scholarships information for international students

Undocumented Students Program

  • Emergency and other grants for undocumented students

Basic Needs Emergency Fund: Staff & Faculty FAQ

How Do I Refer a Student to the Basic Needs Emergency Fund
  • Students can fill out the Basic Needs Assistance Form and provide financial need information when asked for it.

  • Staff and faculty can submit the Assistance Form on behalf of students they are supporting and let the BNC know if it is necessary to coordinate care between our teams.

  • Filling out the Assistance Form guarantees that someone from the BNC will reach out to the student and provide direct support and/or other relevant resources. It does NOT guarantee that a student will receive funding.

Who Qualifies for the Basic Needs Emergency Fund?
  • There is no one-size-fits-all criteria for eligibility. Instead, our team will assess each student’s individual needs, available resources, and financial aid profile to determine whether funding is both possible, necessary, and in alignment with the scope of the program.

  • All enrolled students are eligible to request support, including grad, undergrad, international, and undocumented students. Unfortunately staff, faculty, and visiting scholars are NOT eligible to receive financial support, but can access other resources like Food Pantry and CalFresh.

  • However, being eligible to request support does not mean students are guaranteed financial assistance.

What Happened to the Holistic Fund?
  • Basic needs challenges are complicated and not always fully addressed by one-time financial assistance. This new model allows the BNC to better serve students by providing coordinated support from all of our programs and stronger connections to long-term support.

  • Instead of being singularly focused on financial assistance, this process opens the door for students to connect with the most relevant programs and resources. This will include emergency financial awards when possible and necessary, and emphasizes other forms of supporting students as well.

What About Students Who Are Only Interested in Applying for Funding?
  • Students have the option to only request support with direct financial assistance by opting out of Care Coordination when filling out the BN Assistance Form.

  • Students who are only interested in financial assistance must fill out the financial needs section of the assistance form to be considered for funding.

  • For students who opt out of Care Coordination, our team will still share relevant resources and may reach out for clarification on their needs, but we will not provide in-depth support.

Is This an Application for Funding?
  • No, we are moving away from an application process and towards a needs assessment and Care Coordination model.

  • Instead of reviewing applications, our Care Team will review form submissions and meet with students when needed to determine the most relevant resources and level of care for each student case.

What is the Basic Needs Emergency Fund
  • The BNEF is the current iteration of the BNC’s financial assistance programs, and it is intended to provide emergency financial assistance in the areas of rent, food, housing security deposit and other emergency and safety needs to students who have exhausted their financial resources.

  • The BNEF was redesigned in 2022 to be better integrated with other Basic Needs Center services. Instead of an application, students submit a request for assistance through the Basic Needs Assistance Form. For these requests, students will now receive Care Coordination services, where emergency funding is only one option among many resources students can qualify for.