Food Pantry
Who can use the Food Pantry?
Any student who is food insecure, does not have enough food, or enough money to buy food during their time on campus is welcome to visit the Basic Needs Center Food Pantry up to once per week. Our free Pantry aims to serve any UC Berkeley student (including graduate, international students, visiting scholars, and postdocs) in need of immediate food assistance.
All you need is your Cal ID or Cal ID # (if you don't have your physical card yet) and a bag for your food!
How does the virtual line work?
To avoid long physical lines, we have a virtual line via an online web application called Q-Less. The line opens during our open hours and you can join from anywhere on campus or in person at our check in table on the first floor of the MLK Student Union. It will close for 30 minutes during restock periods and when the line has filled up or reached capacity for that given open hour period.
You can find the Food Pantry hours, restock times, and link to our virtual line in the step by step instructions on the Food Pantry page.
Can staff and faculty visit the Food Pantry?
The Basic Needs Food Pantry is only for students. However, we are currently collaborating with the the Staff Basic Needs Working Group to serve staff in need on our campus. Berkeley Staff Assembly will be hosting monthly food pantries for staff at Unit 3.
What other food resources can I access for more support?
If you are in need of more food resources beyond the Food Pantry, we highly recommend that you fill out the Basic Needs Center Assistance Form and find out if you qualify for CalFresh. Additionally there are several nearby community resources where you can find additional food.
Where does the food come from?
Our Food Pantry inventory comes from a few different places:
ACCFB (Alameda County Community Food Bank): Non Perishables, Produce, Eggs, and Frozen Proteins
Berkeley Dining: Prepared Foods
Berkeley Food Network: Non Perishables, Produce
Berkeley Student Farms: Fresh Produce
Daily Bread: Community volunteers we partner with to deliver donations from local businesses. We receive Baked Goods from local bakeries such as Boichik Bagels, La Farine, Fournee, Acme, Firebrand, Third Culture, and Semifreddi’s; Produce from Monterey Market; and Prepared Foods from Village Market.
Daylight Foods: Produce, Eggs, and Tofu
UNFI: Non Perishables and Frozen Produce
Donations: Everything else!
If you are interested in supporting our efforts, we highly recommend monetary instead of in-kind donations since we get great pricing through our distributors!
Who runs the Food Pantry? Are they staff or volunteers?
The Food Pantry is run by 100+ student and community volunteers, 10-15 College Corps interns, and about 15 paid student staff, with support from the full-time Food Resource Coordinator.
At the start of every semester we onboard volunteers. Each spring semester we hold interviews for paid student staff positions! For more information, please visit our Volunteer & Job Opportunities page.
How can I volunteer?
Any UC Berkeley student, staff, or community member can volunteer with us. Volunteers are recruited before the start of each semester and then onboarded during the first month. Each volunteer is asked to come to the Food Pantry for at least 1 hour per week. We require attending a mandatory volunteer orientation hosted at the start of the semester.
Please visit the Volunteer & Job Opportunities page for more details.